Tau Yew Bak

Another one for the journal:https://www.nyonyacooking.com/recipes/tau-yu-bak~HyeZOPjPfqZQ

The command center was abruptly thrown into the fire. Bit of a tricky dish for an amateur cook. He almost charred our new Le Creu! All's good though, dinner came through nicely and timely.

Command center also left a nice little surprise on the egg, which was cute and much appreciated. 


  • We used pork shoulder this time and wow was the meat soft. 
  • That said, perhaps it's because of the recipe/cooking method... but the meat was not flavored at all! It wasn't salty enough, though the sauce was flavorful. 
  • Need to get recipe from Mom. This perhaps is not one to remake. I love this dish, but this recipe IDKKKK

Edit: Recipe from Mom. "The butcher advised me to seasoned the pork with salt for 20 min, then rinse away the salt before cooking. You can try next time." 


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