Chinese Braised Ribs with Chestnuts

Another one for the journal: Link

Instead of Sagittifolia (arrowroot), we subbed in Chestnuts. Because 'tis the season and I can't find sagittifolia lol.  

Also made a simple garlic oyster sauce kai lan to round out the meal.

The braised entree a good dish that is basically red braised pork. But it is definitely on the sweet side (b/c it literally is red braised pork lol). So could be very good or not so great depending if you like your meals/meats sweet. I enjoy it but it's hard to end the meal with a sweeter one pot dish on occasion. I generally prefer more savory dishes I think!

However, my chestnuts sorta disintegrated in the dish, which...

  • +) made a nice creamy, thick sauce without too much reduction or addition of corn starch solution
  • -) you don't get to eat nice whole chestnuts which was what I was after! (only had a few measly pieces intact)
Might be the type of chestnuts we got (italian, rather than chinese) or that I cooked it for wayyyy too long (>45mins, close to 1h). Chestnuts should take 30-45 mins or so, including initial parboiling to help with peeling. 

Need a salty runback of a braised meat dish with chestnuts!! Ha, pun intended. 


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